12 stores with the absolute worst names.

So bad they're great!

Rule #6: Don't highlight the national obesity epidemic when naming your restaurant

We all know that we should have better dieting habits, just don't bring it up when trying to sell food


Oh theres an accent mark over the U, I thought for a second it ment something else. 

Rule #7: Funny or confusing names are ok, as long as they involve animals.


"Sir, your cat has a blown gasket, that will be $260.00 with parts and labor" 

Rule #8: Make sure when translating your store name its not horribly offensive or detrimental to business

Were getting off on the wrong foot and I didn't even come inside yet 


When designing something, typically, you go through a few wrong ones before you find one thats right.  So it stans to reason when looking for a wrong one you may have 3 or 4 right ones. 


Rule #9: Your store name shouldn't suggest there's a better alternative elsewhere

Why settle for good Chinese food when you can have OK Chinese food?

Rule #10: Choose the right font for your signage


The wrong font can change the whole meaning of things. 

Rule #11: Proper maintenance on your signage is also very important


A pesky bulb or two out can send customers running for the hills (That dumpster in the front of the place doesn't help either, I'm sure)

Rule #12: Choose a memorable name, it will help with word of mouth advertising!


Good luck finding this guy on yelp!


Any more great store name offenses? Feel free to share in the comments!

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