Why You Should Never Pay Full Price For Electronics

A quick guide for paying less for tech.

Everyone agrees that electronics are useful and cool. Whether it's a smartphone that keeps you from getting lost or a television that has images sharper than life itself, electronics often make our lives better in some way. However, the cost of keeping up with all the latest and greatest electronics can sometimes be overwhelming. Fortunately, there is almost no reason to ever pay full price for a new gadget. Here are just 5 of the most compelling reasons why it's worth saving money by shopping around for deals on electronics.

1. New electronics are coming out all the time

Do you really need the absolute latest smartphone or television? The fact of the matter is that last year's models were considering "amazing" not that long ago. The only difference is that now manufacturers are a little more desperate to sell those older models to you: meaning there are opportunities for substantial discounts.

2. It is difficult for manufacturers to know how many units to produce

This reason to forgo full priced electronics goes hand in hand with the first. It is sometimes difficult for manufacturers to predict exactly how many consumers will purchase their product. While this can lead to sellouts, it also results in the clearance sale of excess units, sold at a significant discount from the full original price.

3. Electronics depreciate faster than many other products

Probably the only thing that loses value faster than consumer electronics is a brand new car! Because new models of electronics are coming out all the time, it is typical for these devices to lose their resale value quickly after being purchased. This opens up a competitive buyer's market for steeply discounted secondhand electronics.

4. "Off-brand" often offers better value

Do you really need name brand electronics? While it's nice to have the newest Sony television, the fact of the matter is you are often paying for the name (and the R&D that went into developing the device) just as much as the product itself. Off-brand electronics are worth a look. These devices still benefit from the innovations of a company like Sony without the massive overhead R&D costs.

5. Large number of coupons and discounts available

Electronics manufacturers are always releasing promotional coupons designed to garner sales. Make sure you do your research and find any coupons for products you plan to buy anyway. A little coupon hunting could literally save you thousands of dollars each year!

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